Pre-order booking of Because Time Does Not Heal book @ - Releasing date 11th March 2023

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Write Your Book

Writing a book requires dedication and focus apart from the potential that exists within you. This residential program will guide you through your book writing journey so that the outcome is in your reader’s hands. 

What’s there in your mind? Let it pour out on paper for the world to take delight in and rejoice. Unleash the bestseller writer in you and get your book published.

What’s in it for you?

  • Learn to convert your ideas into powerful words
  • Discover your dramatic aspects to create impact
  • Acquire the discipline and will to complete your book
  • Learn to edit, rewrite, revise, and polish your manuscript
  • Create a marketing plan and get published

How we do it?

Ideal for

Aspiring Authors


Residential Programme/Program

Program Duration

1 Month

Audience Group

Minimum of 12 Participants


The program consists of:

  • Discovery session
  • Discovering your WHY
  • Discovering your style of writing and storytelling
  • Defining the subject
  • Writing techniques
  • Writing structure
  • How to finish the book 
  • Tips on publishing and marketing
  • Connecting authors with the right editor and publishing houses
  • Lecture by seasoned authors 
  • Proofreading of the first manuscript

Her write-ups on different topics are thought-provoking and invoke a dialogue that encourages discussions often leading to scraping deep under the surface to unveil truths or aspects that aid not only in the spiritual growth of all involved but learning based on thorough understanding.

– S Mann

Other Retreat Services

Wait no more. Write your Book today!

It’s time to pour out your ideas and feelings in words.

My intent is to get you clarity and awareness to be the powerful, unique, and capable you.

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My intent is to get you clarity and awareness to be the powerful, unique, and capable you.

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