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Processes taught by you have brought about a sea change in me.

Dear Sahar, It fills my heart with great pride for having known you – a person so committed to transforming lives through your healing workshops and selfless upliftment of the underprivileged.
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I have had the good fortune of having attended workshops facilitated by you which have impacted my life in a very powerful way. You will be happy to know that the processes taught by you have brought about a sea change in me. 

There is still so much to learn from you. Continue touching and elevating the spirit of everyone you meet dear blessed soul for this is possible for only a person as pure and gentle as you. 

Love & light dear angel, 

Susha P. Roy

Grateful for all the remarkable changes she has helped me to bring into my life

Sahar combines old-fashioned professionalism with world-class skill and sensitivity to create genuine results. Sahar has the ability to address problems on a level that actually changes them and not just fix the issue on a temporary basis.
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The advice and guidance she gives really helps and her words really resonates with me… I regularly think about words and the feelings she gave me during my sessions and I instantly feel more positive. I trust her. I am grateful for all the remarkable changes she has helped me to bring into my life.
Varun Bammi, Head HR, Healthcare Company, New Delhi, India

Her write-ups have been eye-openers and helped me heal on many levels

Sahar has had a profound impact on me from the time I attended the first workshop in April 2016. During the time, I was looking for something which I was not able to pinpoint. I believe it was a divine intervention that helped me get through her and look deep within and find answers for life’s dilemmas. 
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Her write-ups have been eye-openers and helped me heal on many levels. At some point it made me realise that I have the potential to heal and touch others’ lives with selfless love. As I take baby steps towards self-realisation and heightened consciousness, I want to thank my mentor and guide and spiritual healer Sahar for her loving inputs and insights. May the divine be with you Sahar! 

Sheela Roy (Editor), Sahilabad


I now have a sense of wellbeing that has helped to improve many areas of my life.

I have known Sahar personally for over a year now. My sister was her client and recommended that I ought to have a session with her when I visited India. At that time, I was very cynical about holistic healing or approaches to wellbeing.
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Besides, I was convinced that a person like myself with a considerable positive attitude did not need any help to improve my general wellbeing. It took some convincing by another dear friend and a regular client of Sahar’s for me to attend a personal session. 

Needless to say, that one session set me off on a journey of healing and unfolding of perspectives, which had an impact on my life and that of my family. 

I went on to attend three workshops during my three-week stay in India. My following visits included the family constellation sessions, with amazing results that left no doubt in my mind regarding the credibility of Sahar as a metaphysical therapist and Life Coach. 

Her write-ups on different topics are thought-provoking and invoke a dialogue that encourages discussions often leading to scraping deep under the surface to unveil truths or aspects that aid not only in the spiritual growth of all involved but learning based on thorough understanding. 

I look forward to more workshops and sessions with Sahar during my prospective visits to India. Last year has been a truly amazing journey of self-discovery and opening of new horizons that I had never contemplated. My outlook on life has changed dramatically. I now have a sense of wellbeing that has helped to improve many areas of my life. 

I cannot thank Sahar enough for her support and mentoring with a professional yet caring attitude, with such attention to detail that gives her an edge over any other facilitator. I am grateful to God and my guardian angels to have had this wonderful life-changing opportunity of being guided in the right direction by Sahar. 

I would like to thank Sahar for her continuous guidance and dedication in helping as many people as she can, either through healing, coaching, or charity work. 

Sanjiv B


I got self-confidence and self –belief which was lacking in me.

Whenever I have a problem one name I think of is Sahar and you are always there to help. I know you since 4 years. I have learnt a lot from you. I got self-confidence and self –belief which was lacking in me. It has helped me a lot. 
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The various healings and affirmations have changed my life and it has even changed and helped my family members too. I am also a part of the helping hands initiative taken by you. Most of us keep on thinking about helping the needy, but you are doing actually doing it. I am amazed at the amount of knowledge you have and the kind of effort and Hard Work you are doing for the society can’t be explained in words.  Thank you Sahar for guiding me and helping me. 
Sandeep Mann, Nothingham-UK

Whatever interaction you have with Sahar, it will bring you closer to your objective.

I met Sahar by accident over a group lunch. But then, there are no accidents in life, so in retrospect, it was for a good reason. 
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Subsequently, I did one Silva workshop with Sahar, and then a second, third, and then a fourth modality. All were different workshops content-wise, but the common thread in all being the divine energy of Sahar’s angelic personality. 

Often, we forget the simple truths or need someone to remind us of the importance of being on track. That is what the purpose of our life is – sticking to the original quality of the soul and staying grounded. 

Whatever interaction you have with Sahar, as a friend, philosopher, or guide,  it will bring you closer to your objective. In subtle ways, you feel the shift and so do others. 




You have inspired me to look beyond human limitations and connect to the real me.

What an amazing journey it has been with you thus far. There is much I have learnt dear, not just from your workshops but just by observing you as a person. I have learnt the true meaning of inner strength and resolve, faith and surrender and the art of operating out of an almost zero ego state.
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You have inspired me to look beyond human limitations and connect to the real me- with infinite possibilities. Thank you Sahar for your invaluable contribution in enriching my life.  God be with you always.

Priyanka Gulati

The ease people have around her is commendable because you know you are in safe hands.

I’m so grateful to God for making me attend the Law of Attraction workshop, which changed so much in me. I read many books about LOA and other things before, but I felt a great shift in me after doing this workshop with Sahar. She works like magic with Family Constellation, and I’m again very grateful to her and the universe for making me experience the same.
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It was brilliant. The best thing being, she creates an atmosphere where she ensures the person feels at home and one with God. The ease people have around her is commendable because you know you are in safe hands. It’s just an amazing feeling of no judgment, which can’t be put in words. It’s a beautiful transition seeing myself grow with every workshop with Sahar. Looking forward to many more interactions. God bless Sahar! 🙂 



Sahar does not need testimonials. Her students are her living testimonials.

Sahar is a catalyst of change and healing. You meet her and change. My husband who is a gastroenterologist from the UK has been fortunate to have had such a healing experience. He came to her for a session, and she just did a consultation, and he felt healed. 
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Sahar is on a journey of healing souls and does not try to prolong sessions if not needed.  Sahar is ‘Sahar’. To be with her is blissful. She has made my inner journey very smooth. She is here to help us end our feeling of separation with God, the only error that we are here to correct. God is with her, and we are learning our lessons beautifully and effortlessly.  We are grateful to God for giving us Sahar. I can go on and on about her. Sahar does not need testimonials. Her students are her living testimonials. 
Namrata Gurbilas

You have uplifted so many souls in this lifetime, you are a miracle in yourself.

Hi Sahar, I actually don’t have words to describe how pure and beautiful your soul is and I only know you since two workshops which I did with you Law of Attraction and Heal your Life…I actually feel that I know you from decades.
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Your work, your aura, your healing is just amazing and I am thankful to God for making me meet you in this lifetime but I am sure we are known to each other from many lifetimes. 

May God Bless you with abundance of love, peace and happiness and whatever you wish for, you truly deserve it. You have uplifted so many souls in this lifetime, you are a miracle in yourself. 

I don’t really know that whether all this makes sense to anyone but I have poured my heart out for you Sahar. Keep doing what you are doing, you are a true blessing in yourself.

Madhu Tangri, Gurgoan

Your session has brought that mental shift in my personality

Hello Sahar, I would like to add in my true inputs. May be it was the divine time, that I attended your LOA session. It was so powerful that it actually has brought that mental shift in my personality. I cannot thank you enough for that. 
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I really liked the insight discussions and spiritual discussions on fundamental grounds. Such interactions bridges the gap between seen and unseen very well.  Despite all issues in life, I am motivated and positive. Credit goes to you. The secret book was a step one but long lost which was truly revived in me by you.  I came for the workshop with all hopes that after that my life will change and it has. I have got a new job when I was trying for a job change for years and it did not happen.  Thank you Sahar. And now, I know that this is in that divine time, when I will meet my soul mate and this confidence and positivity, you have given me. Thank you beyond measure. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you…

Your initiative to help others in every way really makes me want to be a helper, healer, and teacher too.

Dear Sahar, Your work has greatly improved my life. I see things as they are and no longer as my mind manipulates them to be. I’m able to heal my children and husband, even friends.
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After doing so many workshops with you it’s a certainty that life is beautiful, as I invariably experience a miracle, each time I practice what you have taught me. Your initiative to help others in every way really makes me want to be a helper, healer, and teacher too.

In every class, you have given us more knowledge through your own experiences than any other course would. You never hold back the knowledge and impart it so whole-heartedly. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher. God bless you and all your endeavours!! 

Jaspreet Chawla

The work that she is doing is truly helping the people of India.

I have known Ms. Sahar for a year after I went to her for healing as my friend had highly recommended her.
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In the year that I have known her, she has worked tirelessly to help the community, through healing, meditation, and her work through her Energy Healing Bliss Centre. She is a teacher par excellence and takes classes in all possible modalities within the spiritual healing realms.  She also regularly organizes events to help those that are less fortunate in the community. She organizes blanket giving events to nursing homes and distributes lunch to the homeless. She is currently organizing a fundraiser for the benefit of acid attack victims. As a human being, she is kind, compassionate, and socially conscious.  I am a medical doctor residing in the United States and have had the good fortune of meeting Ms. Sahar on one of my visits to Delhi. The work that she is doing is truly helping the people of India. 
Dr. Divya Navani, MD Senior Consultant, Florida USA

You have given a new meaning to our life, you have helped us find the purpose to our life.

Dear Sahar, I am writing this mail with deep gratitude to you on behalf of mine and Jyotika and our daughters Sanah & Saina for changing our lives.
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Since the time we have known you for more than 4 years, it has been a great journey and a spiritual healing for both of us. We met you for a course and since then have had a number of healings with you to cure our issues at soul level and fall in love with our own being. You have helped us by healings for our children issues and their wellness from time to time. You have helped our connected family members as well. 

Recently Jyotika has been blessed to do teacher training courses for Reiki, Laws of attraction, etc. from you and hope to spread the word among others. You have given a new meaning to our life, you have helped us find the purpose to our life. 

You are a pure and blessed soul and India is grateful to have people like you for giving love and healing to mother earth and fellow Indians and cure their issues with your guidance. We hope you will keep doing the great work and be a channel of his higher self in spreading the love and healings to others as well as you did to us. 

We have also tried to be associated with your helping hands projects in Chandigarh to do social welfare projects for under-privileged people and will support you always in this cause. 

Thanks for always being there for us & guiding us. God bless you and stay happy. 

Amiet & Jyotika B. Kharabanda

I’m glad, exciting new things have found me.

The Energy Mastery workshop was such a revelation. Sahar guided us through different aspects of the process with stories from her personal experiences. Everything becomes so relatable that way. It was a few days of intense learnings, practice sessions and fun. Intense yet light. They say what you seek is seeking you, so I’m glad, exciting new things have found me.

Sadhana, New Delhi

A bonus, I got was the technique to find answers to life's challenges and situations with ease.

I did the Silva Ultramind ESP workshop with Sahar, so I could learn how to make better decisions. What I got from the workshop was not just enhanced decision-making ability but I learned how to be centered and calm at all times. A bonus, I got was the technique to find answers to life’s challenges and situations with ease.
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Sahar’s understanding of the subject is deep and also out of her experience. I felt as if she has been literally living and breathing the philosophy and techniques, she taught us. What I really liked about this session is that there is help available on the other side and we have just ignored it. This help can be tapped by you or me and all it needs is practice. I highly recommend Sahar for her clarity, authenticity, domain expertise, and her love to contribute to make the planet a better place.
Aarti Narang, Mumbai, India

Thank you for waking me up, helping me grow & guiding me to work on myself.

I take this opportunity to thank you. You’ve been a guiding light ever since I’ve come across. You have made me realize how dumb and numb I’ve been all these years. I might have been continued living in the same way for the rest of my life without realizing what I was doing to my own life. Thank you for waking me up, helping me grow & guiding me to work on myself.
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If I look back, I realize that I was actually not living. I have skipped so many years in my life, I was trying to find happiness outside of me by people pleasing even at the cost of ignoring my own daughter, my own self. You made me realize I can’t keep doing that and behave like a dumb victim, losing myself completely. 

Looking forward to learn more from you and grow to a better person in your guidance. I have also become confident in writing without judging myself.

K Walia


It is beyond words to describe the development I had with Spiritual Coaching.

It is beyond words to describe the development I had with spiritual coaching. I can at least say I was all over the place when I started with you. 6 months post my coaching with you – you were right, it takes time to integrate. Now at least when something happens it may take a day or two but I get, back up and put myself together.
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I can connect with joy and gratitude and choose where to put my energy. It has really helped me also not to get tempted by just any coach out there because none of them feels taking it to that level of depth I had experienced with you. Thank you so much
Dr. Ishwinder Kaur, Nothingham, United Kingdom

You really go beyond the material to make the workshop so much fun & practical.

My biggest take-away on day 1 of the Silva Ultramind ESP workshop was; “Intuition can only work with patience”. I have not been great with patience but this really struck me & motivated me to work on my patience too. I liked the fact you explained the background of research to the program as that made it even more relevant and helpful in learning. All concepts such as ESP, having fun, brain functions came with such clarity that was hard not to stay focused and enjoy the intense program.
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The way the workshop exercises were carried, I really don’t believe I could do it. The place where I was last year to after this workshop is in itself a testimony. You really go beyond the material to make the workshop so much fun & practical. I have come across this program in MindValley but with you the experience was to greater understanding & also rewarding because when I get clarity, it surely feel very satisfying.  Thank you so much for the effort & the heart you put in, in all that you do.
Dr. Ishwinder Kaur, Nothingham, United Kingdom

Sahar has this wonderful gift of simplifying everything which makes them easy to practice.

I quite enjoyed doing the “Energy Mastery” workshop with Sahar. Not only, this is a course designed in a way that makes the topic appear simple but also very interesting. One feels empowered & wiser. One gets to practice what one has learnt and that adds a lot to the confidence. Like all Sahar’s workshops, this one also has a very holistic touch to it & Sahar has this wonderful gift of simplifying everything which makes them easy to practice. I am absolutely glad I did this and would highly recommend it to people looking forward to learning this simple, unique and yet powerful tool.

Dr. Veenu Sharma, New Delhi

The journaling assignments are so deep.

Thank you Sahar. The journaling assignments are so deep. I had heard over and over again that everything is a reflection of our inner world but didn’t really know what it meant. The way the assignments are unfolded each day is making me witness this so closely and with so much clarity that, how life is inside-out and not the other way round. 

Can’t thank you enough.

Nitika (Journaling workshop), General Manager Marketing & Sales, Gurgaon

It has a different energy to it & really has more power.

I have done journaling myself in the past which now when I look back feel so haphazard in comparison to what I am doing now in your workshop. It has a different energy to it & really has more power. I feel, you are holding the space for us because the insights coming out here are not the same as when I was doing this on my own. Thank you for putting your heart into it and holding space for us.
Participant, 2021 Workshop

Lens with which I was viewing life has been transformed with your guidance.

Sahar…words probably will fail to express the depth of my gratitude. Would like to simply state that my entire world and the lens with which I was viewing life has been transformed with your guidance.

Thank you for everything & more

Anamika Verma, Noida (Inner Child Therapist Training)

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My intent is to get you clarity and awareness to be the powerful, unique, and capable you.

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My intent is to get you clarity and awareness to be the powerful, unique, and capable you.

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